Thursday, November 22, 2007


Picture this scene taken from a steam room. Guys in towels, steam is all over the place, there's the hissing sound of the mechanics of it working and of course, yours truly sitting down, enjoying the heat and truly believing that my pores will open up, and when it does, dirt will come out. Once that process is done, I will have a beautiful skin, that's what I was imaging at that moment.

While all this was taking place, two guys walked in, unfazed with the surroundings, and sat at one of the corner. As a matter of fact, they were sitting at my right hand side. From the steamy outlook of that room, I managed to catch a glimpse of the two guys. One was short and the other was taller. The shorter one had a spiky hair, was medium built and had a toned up body. His partner, the taller one, had short hair, was lanky and could tell he was not as built up like his partner. He, however had this six pack which was so evident and how I envied him. I began to take a deep breath just to suck in and pull out my chest, so as not to lose out.

As I was taking this action, the taller guy, who was next to me, then began to put his head on his partner's shoulder. He began to lean more closer to this partner and then whispered something to his partner's ear, which obviously was funny, as both of them laughed. Then, the other partner also moved closer, as in trying to reciprocate his partner's action. Suddenly both of them was very close and the taller guy, still leaned his head on his partner's shoulder.

What would your reaction to this be? Lovely right? Such a loving couple demonstrating their untold love for the world to envy and thus, ensure that theirs was the event that should not be missed in the steam room that evening. But, something is wrong here, very very wrong indeed.

I mean, I'm not against such public affection and gestures by two loving couples, heaven forbid that I should even condemn such actions, as I will always think that such public affections, reaffirms the commitment made by two people in love. But, to show such public affections in a gym steam room, is totally wrong!

mmm, kiss me quick...

Yes, this was what I observed this evening when I was done with my workout in the gym. I was astonished and yet amazed, like how brave or stupid can one be? If it was empty, fine, but then again, it was filled with other guys, and I don't think all of them were gays! Except me, who was busily observing their antics, I thought that such an action, should have been refrained or if this was a gay club, then by all means, but already we have such homophobic people out there, why go on and prove them that what they have (by being homophobic) is correct?

Also, lately, I have noticed that the guard stationed in our locker room, now does his rounds at the shower areas too. Perhaps some straight bean pole guy made a complaint by saying that these shameless gays were cruising at the wrong areas or worse still engaged in some fornicated activities behind the shower curtains? I shrug to think so, but in reality, it has happened, as per my previous posts.



Ganymede said...

There's a guard in the locker room now?! Must be getting out of hand eh?

coolgardy said...

Always has been one, but he seldom patrols the shower stall areas. But, nowadays, he does...

Shake Trees said...

aisay lup lup is blind 1 ma. when 2 ppl is in lup, even more blind. wakaka...