Thursday, November 8, 2007


kolam decoration (grains of rice used in this process)

Living in a multi faceted country like ours is truly wonderful. If last month, we felt the Raya mood, this time, we will put our hands out to celebrate the festival of lights. Yes, Diwali or Deepavali, depending at which dialect you pronounce it, is still a major festival here.

another shot of the kolam decoration

What I know about this festival besides the good over evil thing, is the arrays of food dished out that day. One can expect muruku, oompudi, mutton varuwal, all the various sweet meats and delicious curries being dished out! If you do not like spicy food, then I guess this would not fancy you but then, to me, I love Indian food; never can get sick of curries, must have been my multi-racial upbringing.

mutton curry


Soon, I will be going out to the various open houses and will indulge myself in those sinful but yet wonderful laden caloric food! For those who will be joining their friends, well here's my wish to all, A HAPPY DIWALI & Happy Holidays to all!

diwali decorations

another shot of the decorations

aerial shot

** darn, forgot to take a day off tomorrow!!!**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the word encounter is used wrongly in this context