Monday, November 5, 2007


i'm smooth...u like?

Let's talk about hair again! Since my last post on my white hair, I want to delve on this subject again since as they say, the hair is liken to your crowning glory. Even Samy Vellu has a toupee, so go figure!!

OK, hair is important to us but then again, what I'm about to delve on today is not so much about the one on top, neither the one down there, but the one on our body. Yes, the body has hair, and like all good students who studied Biology before, you will notice that both men and women have hair on their bodies. Its a human thing to have hair and I guess it will be weird if we meet someone who does not have any hair at all, or like they call it "smooth".

Hair grows all over our body be it on our face, our arms, legs and even on our chest. Some guys I know get turned on with the sight of a chest hair and usually most Caucasians will have them (some Asians too). But, if you have never had a Caucasian boyfriend or had a fling with one, you would never notice how hard it is to do foreplay especially the licking of the body, when your partner is the hairy type. I do not fancy having hair stuck all over my tongue while I'm using it to arouse my partner; neither do I like to the fact that I have to search for his nipples amidst the growing jungle of chest hairs. No, no, no....but then again some guys just like the fact that their partners are hairy. Well to each his own I will add.

Like, I was packing my stuff in the gym this evening when suddenly out of a sudden (very dramatic you know), this guy turned out from nowhere, and was like 3 lockers away from me. I never noticed him as I busy stuffing my stuff in my bag and not sure what made me turned over to steal a second glance at him. So, I did and my second glance turned to a third and to a fourth. Why was I glaring him? No, he was not hawt! Neither did he belong the cute parade and so why was I staring at him?

Corrections...not at him but what was growing at his back! Yes, guys, if you can believe it, our dear friend here actually has a clump of hair growing at the back of his body. And, it was not a small clump, mind you, it was a huge clump and it was so gross!! It was long and if I was that guy, I would have waxed it long ago. I'm amazed that he allowed it to grow so long. Picture this arm pit hair that has not been trimmed and look out for people who usually have very thick bushy types!

please trim those unwanted hairs...

I so wanted to snap a picture of him and show you guys in here but I don't think it was appropriate since its in the locker room and besides, it would be too obvious. You can call me brave but I'm no fool either! Like discovering something wonderful, I hasten my pace and got my stuff just to walk out so that I can catch a closer glimpse of his clumps of hair growing from the back, which I successfully did! On a closer inspection, I did notice that he also had some hair on his chest but it was also like clump on the 'gulf' i.e the section between his chest. And, like the back, the front was also very obviously long and messy! The best part of this is that, this guy is smooth, yes, not the sort of hairy person you will find but he had clumps growing at wrong places!

So, if you have hair that needs to be tended, please do something about it and not allow it to grow into some forest?


Ganymede said...

I so get what you mean about hair getting stuck. I call em pubic floss. :P As for the Chewbakka in the shower, I think he should wax his back.

Ryan said...

Eeks! I like hairy chest men, but not so hairy until the nipples were hidden in the forest! Slightly hairy-chested men are sexy to me!

But please, hairy at the back too? Is he gorilla or what??!

savante said...

I don't mind a little hair. Depends on what he looks like lah.

Anonymous said...

I love hairy men! Hairy backs are the best! Beards, hairy asses, bushy pubes, furry backs...

I hope one day to find a big top dom and caring bear for a boyfriend, and I would love to get one with a back as hairy as his chest and big hairy mantits I can suck for ever and ever...