Monday, November 19, 2007


do the right thing, choose HAPPINESS!

All of us have choices, either we make good choices or bad ones, no matter what, they are given to us as humans. However, there is a simple choice that we have all forgotten to undertake, that is the choice to be happy or sad.

From my countless and numerous conversations and also truly, myself who have had this choice, this simple task seems to be a tall order to follow up to. Why do I say this? Well, look at this at your side of the fence.

For instance, if we were to choose be happy and truly we will be, but if we choose otherwise, then it looks like, not only are we going to be miserable but will also affect the others around us. But, having said that, at times we do feel a burden to put on a happy face and go along with the flow, as deeper down us, we have been conditioned to be miserable! Only if we were to overcome this and put on a mature way of thinking out loudly the consequences of our choices, I guess we will make the right ones!

But, as humans as we are and as the scriptures says "The body is willing, but the spirit is weak!", many a times, we fall to this trap. We psyche ourselves that we will be happy but one little thing that triggers us, we will fall back to the stage of self-pity and blame all the whole world but ourselves for feeling lousy!!

Many a times, I fall to this trap too, and by putting this down in my Blog, I'm trying to re-affirm myself and hopefully the others who read this, that our happiness is in our state of mind, all we need is to change our perspective and move on with those choices. Hence, I believe very strongly, why I managed to learn all this is because I have tasted the sweetness, sourness, and the bitter pills of life.

So, to all those who have always managed to complain and always make as if life is treating them so badly, perhaps, its the wrong choices that has been chosen?

** p/s if u read this, you should know by now, what to make of your life!


David The Man said...

Yes, we all have gone through these happy and sad times. A lot of us would definitely not choose to be sad, but alas, sometimes some happiness end with bitter sadness. A good example would be our relationships, whereby we all feel the sadness and depression whenever our relationships fail. Many a times we have heard of PLU relationships not lasting long, hence many of us are single. Having gone through all these bitterness, many of us chose to be single, harbouring the thought that being single is better than having a partner. That way, they feel less vulnerable to depression as all of us are aware that most PLU relationships don't last long. Surely, most of us also yearn for that feeling of love (which comes with happiness, of course), yet it pays a hefty price for oneself to get involved in a PLU relationship, knowing that most PLU relationships don't last long, as said earlier. Having said that, would you choose happiness or sadness in this case?

Shake Trees said...

sometimes see choose sadness is a gud thing in disguise. we learn thru it n get over it. nothing stops forever. if we forever choose happiness (which we do yeild) then we are dreaming. human life all abt sadness n happiness. its both.

coolgardy said...

David- I know relationships are hard to accept especially when it comes to break-ups, but reality makes us accept that we should be sad, but we can choose not to be if we want to. What I'm saying here is that we have the ability to control it, only if we give ourselves a chance and see things in more direct perspective. The longer we get ourselves attached to it, of course, we will be sad but if we learn to let go, things can only be for the better.
--my two cents--