Saturday, October 27, 2007


silent contemplation...

It never rains but pours, so the saying goes. Well, as a continuation to my previous posting, a lot of things happened to me in that span of a year. There were 3 major events that happened in my life. The passing of my father, my mom had an eye infection that caused her left eye blind and me admitted to the hospital.

No normal person would have survived through all this in one year but I guess I slugged it out. The first incident affected me and when the second came, I was already losing in my faith but it took the third to make me realize how much it was that I should stand up and fight it. I knew that if someone were to analyze my family, they would all point out to say that perhaps we have been cursed and some evil person has placed such calamities in our lives.

I did not believe in any curse nor will I succumb to such beliefs but what happened next, made me shore up my faith and accepted that such things do happen and like they say, it happens for a reason. Perhaps, it was time for me to fall back on the path of humbleness or maybe perhaps I should step down and study the consequences of all this. I'm not saying that I'm perfect but I know for a fact, that if I do not stand up and be strong, I will just disintegrate. And, I have the pillar of support, that is, my Faith in God to sustain me.

So many nights of silent cries and so many hours of kneeling for an answer, further enriched myself as to deny my strength, I have acknowledged my weakness and thus, have made me even more stronger mentally and physically to face these challenges (for when I'm weak, then I am strong!). I needed something to fall back to, and this was what I had, my faith. I guess that whatever denominations we belong to, the most important aspect in our lives is to fall back on the One above and to acknowledge Him as the one to lead us out of this predicament.

From what I have learnt so far, I will never forget those 3 major lessons happening in one year and within months of each other. If you are reading this and you feel your life is in the deepest shit of abyss, remember that there will always be others who has faced even worst situations. In short, count your blessings, whatever they are good or bad!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to read those events in your life but I'm glad that you made it through and be strong. May God bless you!

Shake Trees said...

bad things ker, lousy things ker, just remember, it all makes you stronger and reminds you to cherish who's near and dear. it'll make u falter if u allowed it.