Sunday, July 29, 2007


don't let the weekend go...

What a wonderful weekend...all I could say it was good to enjoy the company of new friends starting from Friday evening; Saturday evening was with my 2 other close buddies playing mahjong from about 11-ish right up to the crack of dawn i.e. about 5 am - major mahjong mania here!

And to top it up, dinner with CK when he zoomed in with his new car!

A fellow like me will never be able to do more but count my blessings! Wish every other day would be like this.... hope others had a similar one like mine too.

maybe the next weekend will be better...?

Thursday, July 26, 2007


now put your hands in the air...

This incident happened many years ago. As I looked back, I was chuckling away and when I told it to my friends, we all had a good time just hearing the antics that happened to me.

At that time, I had just joined the gym and like some eager beaver gym bunny, I decided to join most of the classes offered. Not wanting to lose out (typical Chinese culture) I wanted to experience all of it if possible since I’m paying good money for the membership, so in many ways, I guess, I’m entitled to some of the privileges offered by them.

There were a variety of classes offered from body jam to body pump; from cardio dance to cardio steps; it was an eye opener for me. However, one of the classes, which I will say is my final frontier to join, would be yoga.

Yoga always conjure up in my mind of how bodies can bend in the karmic sutra way or how you can stand up with one hand while the other leg is somewhere up there hanging, something to that effect. I’ll never guess nor will I ever imagine myself doing it. I’ve always been amazed by those joining the class and one of the activity that happens in there is meditation.

I’ve always seen the lights in the exercise room dimmed and you will see bodies lying side by side as if they were lying there motionless, having a good sleep. I thought that was pretty cool, cause in a way, you get to sleep in class?

One fine day, Da Queen (when we were still on talking terms) met me in the gym. After going our rounds using the machines, we overheard the PA system announced that the next class is Yoga. DQ quickly asked me to go with him to join Yoga and I believe I replied “Are you crazy?”

So, unknowingly, what came upon me, I actually joined the Yoga class with DQ. Not sure of what to expect, since this is a beginner’s level class, we all took our positions and stood at an angle that we could see the instructor.
In comes Mrs. Singh with her big huge turban (I’m not joking) and there was a fake ruby stuck right up in the middle of the turban. It was hilarious looking at that sight but our instructor was a very stern looking sort of lady. She was the no nonsense type who will not take no for an answer.

All in all, the class was well attended too, mainly a good mixture of guys and gals. I would have thought that perhaps in the first few lessons, we might venture to learn how to do the duck squats or even standing with our legs crossed at one angle and our hands perched up high in the sky?

What we expected was totally different from what I had anticipated in my mind. Mrs. Singh made us stand in a row with the tips of our toes touching and rocking up and down. As we did this, we were supposed to balance our bodies and move in tandem with the soft commanding voice of Mrs. Singh. While we were doing this motion, I remember distinctively what Mrs. Singh said.

“Now move along, let your senses fall free. Remove all of your stresses and fall freely" ordered Mrs. Singh.

In my mind, fall freely? You mean to say all of us fall down and prostrate on the floor? This is not making sense at all.

"Repeat the steps after me and you won't go wrong" commanded Mrs. Singh again in a manly voice.

I looked at DQ and he gave me a blank stare too, wondering what is next? I really felt like walking out as I was not learning anything except to tip toe and rock forward and backward. Outside, I noticed that there was a already a huge crowd gathered to watch our antics.

"Now, feel the warmth of the earth bursting out from the ground" said Mrs. Singh.

Feel the warmth? The room was already cold as it is and where is the warmness? From the other beings huddled together in the room? Oh, I get it, must be talking about body heat!

"As you feel the warmth rising, now picture them to be balls of fire permeating around you. Feel the balls of fire moving from the ground, up to your body and going around your head and then moving downwards to the back of your body" Mrs. Singh said in a rather excited voice.

feel the balls of fire...yet?

Feel the balls of fire? When that sentence came out, I wanted to burst out laughing and I looked at DQ and gave a very pathetic look. I know that DQ was also controlling himself and from afar, we could see two guys giggling at that mere mention of balls of fire. Those young queens did not mince their laughter as it grew louder as Mrs. Singh tried to exhort that belief in us!

Funny thing was, Mrs. Singh did not stop there. She went on and on about the balls of fire and a good 30 minutes, we were still at the same position doing the tip toe, rocking back and forth action. It was all mere nonsense.

I didn't stay long as I walked out of the class half-way. Never do I such a thing but this was one exception that I did. Anyway, after that class, I have never attended another Yoga class anymore...balls of fire, any other words to describe it?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I've always have this penchant to catch guys who cruise in the toilets or the locker rooms. Especially, so in the gyms. You will always catch these guys up to their tricks when they are horny and cruising for some fun.

Not that I have anything against them or what they do behind their shower stalls or even if they want to be an exhibitionist, its fine by me. I never condone nor detest their actions, as I've always live by the motto, "To each his own". Apart from playing safe, well, I'm sure that all precautions will be in place.

However, what I do not understand about guys who cruise is those who are seemingly hot and desirable, who will actually cruise in these areas? I've noticed Mr. Slickly San doing this rounds most of the times I'm in the gym. Now, Slicker San does the normal thing, goes into the shower stall, showers a bit, comes out, goes into the steam room, come out of the steam room, goes into the showers again, come out, goes into the sauna, goes out for a shower, then goes into the steam room and the cycle goes on and on.

I'm all wet...wanna join me?

And SS is not ashamed of his actions too, coming in and out, and at times going to the other side of the shower stalls only to venture out and then hit the other side, all this little tricks are just part and parcel of the oldest tricks used.

But, what puzzles me is that SS is not a bad looking kind of guy. How do I describe him? He is actually in his mid 20-s maybe about 27-ish? Has strong sharp features, nice smile, a toned and balanced body. He possess that sweetest smile that I have ever seen (I'm a sucker for sweet smiling guys) and a slicker too; hence, why I call him slickly san.

SS did cruise and not only once but many a times now, and it had me thinking, why on earth does he need to do that? I mean, with that kind of looks and also body, I'm very sure guys are just waiting to pounce on him! However, it seems like this is what he likes to do and of all places, in the gym locker room.

Not wanting to give up, I did try to find some answers to all of this. I talked to my best sexual adviser on this and my personal love guru, Sex Guru Troy, told me that some guys get a kick out of this.

Yes, it seems that such actions actually heightens their sexual arousal and it gets them very high because its done in the public and the chances of being caught is also very imminent. Hence, factored with all of these actions, they have became very bold and gives them higher purpose to seek out sex partners. Yes, its only temporary but the action of doing in the shower stall and knowing well that there is another person next to you or someone who might just open the shower curtain by mistake, makes the persons doing it feel even aroused to the a limit unexplainable.

SGT also told me that he has heard of couples who are faithfully together but do engage with such activities behind their partner's back, so much so that, after doing it, its back to their partners. As they say, don't ask, don't tell!

Don't ask, don't tell...

However, if a person does it too often, doesn't that make that person be labeled a slut? Or is the word slut become such a norm in our community that no one actually bat an eyelid on it, since everyone is doing it?

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Went to watch this movie "DEAD SILENCE" last evening with Flirty Whore at KLCC. It's basically a horror story about some lady who never got married and substituted dolls as children. As she was murdered in a most horrid way, her ghost through her dolls came back to kill off one by one, all those who had wronged her.

And the killing does not stop there, it goes on to their children's children as well...storyline is pretty much over-used but the main actor, Ryan Kwanten, deserves some mention in here.

I will not talk much, but provide more pictures as visual, perhaps maybe that could be an added attraction to catch this movie?

My personal rating for this movie 3 screams out of it managed to keep me held up to the ending with a twist.

Hi, I'm Ryan...nice to meet you

I like to play with dolls...

Let's play hide & seek...

Blow me now...

U wanna see more of me?

Saturday, July 21, 2007


So, last evening, I managed to hit the gym...Yay!!! After being away so long, I began to feel my as if my body was like turning into a vegetable, like some soft leaf...but enough said, it was good to be back in Cali last night.

Although, I just got recovered, my instructor took it easy for me last night and we did all the normal routines to hit the whole body structure to get myself acclimatized to the gym routine once again.

Results of it, I felt like a weakling, like some newbie just getting a taste of how gym is, and although the weights were reduced drastically, I still felt a 'softie' trying to regain back to my normal composure of pumping real hard iron! I need my strenght back...

After my shower, Wingedman texted me to announce that a certain game of mahjong was going to be played at Sluttila's place. Met Slut at his place and the game began...

The game like any, began with some winning and some losing and for me, it was not a terrible night initially but later as it progressed, it turned out to be a defeating one! Gosh, we actually played until 5 am...I never played mahjong until that kind of hour.

By the time, I got back home, my whole body was like telling me find a bed soon, its shutdown time. I rushed and hit my familiar pillow and before I knew it, I was already dozing off....what a way to spend my Friday and Saturday, a hangover, and its not even connected to any booze.

Here I am typing all this and I don't even really know what I'm saying here....oh well, I guess, I will just hit the sack again or maybe take a cold shower, that would be the how did your weekend progressed?

what shall i do with the rest of the weekend...?

Thursday, July 19, 2007


i'm bored, wanna amuse me...?

For the past 2 days, I was not able to log in to Streamyx due to some server problem in KL. However, during that time too, I was inundated with a viral infection. Two things to report?

Ok, first about my viral infection. I had the sniffles since Sunday and I guess it was made worse when I go caught in the rain that afternoon. It was all very innocent, the sort of sneezing and then, next thing that followed, it was the running nose with the unceasingly running of the water from the nostrils.

At that stage, it was still manageable but later the next day, it developed into some sort of non-stop sneezing and suddenly you feel very tired. Your bones ache and you just want to rest. At the same time, your throat sores a bit, a slight cough develops and before you can say jumping gherkins, your cough turns toxic!

You feel the urge to cough and although you know you don't need to do it, but your body makes you spew out that bark. (I call my coughs bark, as in barking dogs)

So, I was like barking the whole of Monday evening, and thank goodness, I didn't go for my PT too. Imagine, if I did that, it would have been a whole futile exercise and besides, it would be dangerous to exercise when you have flu.

The whole night, I could not sleep, I took a bit of relief in some cough syrup but that only helped a bit. I could feel the heat permeating from my esophagus and each time, I wanted to swallow, it was painful. So, the whole night was like tossing and turning, and even though, I was very tired, I just could not get that restful rest.

Next morning, I text ed Ling Soh Soh (my dept's secretary) and informed her that I was going to the clinic. As I had numerous panel of clinics to choose from, I sauntered to the one nearest home.

Reached the clinic, got myself registered and within 10 minutes, my number was being called. The doctor, an elderly grandfather type, greeted me as I sat down. Asked me what happened, and precisely told him my condition. At that point of time, my barking has turned to a noisy ding and I really felt as if I was losing control in it.

Doctor did all the necessary, took my temperature and blood pressure etc. He told me that I had a slight fever and my throat was bad, my breathing was breathless but my blood pressure was normal. So, he prescribed me some pills, some cough mixture and some lozenges for the throat. Even gave me a day off to rest, bless his heart! He even told me that

When I got home, I took my breakfast and then proceeded to take my cough mixture and the flu tablets. Enough said, within 5 minutes, I was already knocked off my senses and the next thing I knew, I was sleeping like an oink oink (pig) until about after lunch.

I felt so groggy and my head was heavy, it felt as if I was having a hang-over but this was different sort. It was the hang-over that I would remember and not want to have it experienced again! The whole day, I was like some drug addict just looking at things but not responding attentively. My mind was awake, but my body was fast asleep.

All I wanted to do was just lie down and sleep. After that, I stopped taking my medicine because I never liked medicines that will cause me such reactions. I would prefer the herbal remedial type but not these chemical sort of way to treat this. I didn't even started on my antibiotic course as I always believe that antibiotics will eventually kill the good cells as well as the bad ones.

The next day, I went to work but my mind was still half asleep and half awake. My body still felt feverish and I wanted to really just called it a day but I pestered on, mind over body. Towards the second half of the day, I felt cold and it was the first time, I had my coat on. Usually, I will be the one who will be complaining about the temperature in the office.

When the day ended, I came home immediately and before I knew it, around half-past eight that evening, I slept and slept. I know that I had to sleep off the feeling I was feeling and also to regain back my ability to combat this. No sooner than expected, I was already fully awake the next day.

I felt so rested, the pain in my bones were gone and at the same time, I felt so relief. For the first time, I was sweating and it was good news! So today, as I pen this down, I'm almost recovered 89% but I believe that with a bit more sweating, I will recover more. I need to hit the gym!

When I was down, and the only entertainment which I wanted to access became a barrier to me due to the a server problem. For a whole fucking 2 days, I was without any Internet at home. I called up to their helpline and the only thing they could say was sorry, the line would be up within the next day.

Well, not for one to complain more, I will just forward a mail to their customer online and ask them, how do they propose to rebate me for that non-usage of 2 days? After all, I'm a good paymaster, I deserve better than this, and it will also compensate those days without my Internet and also the time, I was feeling miserable!

Monday, July 16, 2007


Potter mania seems to have hit the town just a few days when the movie, Order of the Phoenix was released in all of the major cinemas around KL / PJ.

As for me, I managed to book and selected good seats for a viewing in Berjaya Times Square last evening. CK called up to me and dated me out for my belated Birthday celebration. Since, I have not been to the Times Square for some time now; I decided to have our meeting over there.

I’ve always found hall one to be spacious and also roomy and thus, when I got the 9pm tickets, I was delighted! I’ve heard so much of this latest movie so, I was prepared after all the write-ups that was done in the papers, magazines and online chat rooms.

The movie this time round, to me, was a bit dark and adult-ish themed. It was certainly not as cute or funny like the first two movies shown before. As it is, I felt that this movie bordered more towards Harry getting older and more mature in this thinking and also the way he reacts.

I’m not sure if the children’s who have read this book can actually relate to this more adult themed characters in it but let’s just say that the wizardly acts is still prevalent in this movie.

back away u evil zits...

Among the characters I got to love is Luna Lovegood. I didn’t like the way the Asian character, Cho was portrayed, and I felt a hint of racist attack here. Why was it that an Asian was the one who had to betray Harry (even though it was revealed at the end that she was given the tonic Veritalium by Prof. Snapes, and thus betrayed Harry and his army). I thought it was to show that Asians are just hopelessly weak.

Far from shouting out any protests against this action, I felt overall; it was entertaining, although the mood was more dialogue. My guess is because the book in itself has given us so many explanations; the movie (which is only 2 hours) needed to be sped up to showcase all of the hidden meanings.

I felt a bit rushed at certain segments while others, it was a drag. A fair balance of the portrayal would have been good but I guess, the directors and producers had to ensure the essential points of the book were shown. A certain important character gets killed off, but not too worry, I will not reveal anything more than is needed.

If you are planning to go watch it, please do so, but in terms of ‘action’, it pales very much with Transformers. In terms of continuity of the storyline, then it’s going to appeal to those Potter fans out there.

Daniel Radcliffe’s recent full monty exposure in a stage play had my mind working overtime though; each time his character appeared, I was like peeling him in my mindset all those overalls he had on. Most of the time, I was half concentrating and half working OT on my overtly active imagination…sniggers!

the final temptation of Harry Potter…

I’m not innocent as u think…

I know why u went full monty Harry…awesome size!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Last night, I attended Sluttila's belated birthday party. It was a great gathering of his friends and some of them, well, not many, I also know. We had the finger food, the main dishes and lots of chattering and laughing. Parties like this are very intimate as the numbers are not too many and it allows interaction at all levels.

Sluttila and me have been friends for almost 10 years now, come December 24th this year, will mark our 10th Anniversary as friends. He was from the generation that used MIRC too and you can imagine how long I have kept this contact until now.

We had shared sweet and sour memories together, but all in all, we got to watch each other transformed and grow. I guess that is what's important in a relationship, although, we didn't become boy friend material, but our understanding and respect for each other, surpasses even the most normal boy-friend relationships you have out there.

So, Sluttila is officially crossing into the 30's territory. What does it feel to be 30 anyway? To me, I have already passed into that territory many years ago, and frankly speaking it was nothing special although a lot of people have given you doomsday reports on it. Again, age is just a number its nothing to do with our mental ability to do or not to do, but one thing that keeps nagging in our heads is the fact, we are getting older.

Ah yes, maybe we do get older but its all in the mind! It's always our mind who will rule out the possibilities for us but this time, we need to psyche our mind to think otherwise. Its always what we feel inside, so, if we say we are old, then we are really old-lah, but if we condition our minds to think that we are old from the outside but young in the inside, then things will fall into prespective.

so what if i'm 30...bring it on

Therefore, crossing into the 30's means what?
1. Our hair gets more grey hair (need to highlight our hair?)
2. More wrinkles show up? (SK-2 can do the job of minimising it?)
3. Our bodies feel fatigue more easily (not necessary, if you have enough rest, you will feel rejuvenated)
4. Penis lenght shortens (err, is that a fact or fallacy?; never mind, there's was that pump)

I'm not even sure if those things are really factual for all people but point 4 seems a bit far fetched. However, life is such that we do encounter all of this changes in our body and whether we accept it gracefully or deny it, depends entirely on one self.

To me, I have accepted it with an open mind and arms, no point in denying my age bracket here but as it is, its only a number. Inside of me, still lies a teen boy who is mischievious and up to all kind of tricks. Hence, I always place importance on exercise as it really takes that tired haggard look away, and instead it presents us with a fresh and vibrant look all the times.

So, anyone of you who is going to cross the threshold of 30's, don't worry-lah, its just a number, sooner or later, you get used to it and before you know it, big 40 comes that will be scary!

Friday, July 13, 2007


A lot of my friends know that I go for PT and my instructor, well, not entirely a hunky stud, but still manages to possess some cute qualities. Some of my friends who have seen him commented he looks ok, not exactly a face to die for, but passable on long dry nights.

So, that is my instructor which I will name him Cheras Lang (lang in hokkien is people). CL was assigned to me when I signed up for PT in California. I'm not sure why they assigned him to me but then again, if given a choice, there are a few hot ones that I would like to have as my instructor but since CL has been given to me, well, take whats dished out yes?

Thus far, CL has been good at explaining to me about the different usage and how to optimize my training schedules. Under his guidance, I have progressed far and from my assessment reports, there have been tremendous improvement in my balance of the muscles and also reduction of fats in my body.

Although, the changes are minimal, but to me, I can see the changes reflected in some bulging assets (not down there), more shapely contours and also more defined in muscle shape. Ok, I'm not bragging here but some who have seen me is amazed, and hence, they actually call me MM (Muscle Mary) which I really detest, because I'm no where that standard yet, ha ha ha.

Back to my trainer. Facial Kenny told me that he looks PLU and have seen him in some clubs before. That statement didn't really surprise me as half of the population of Cali. is populated by gays anyway.

So, if my trainer was gay, I guess he was entitled to be since it will be a pity if he was not. But, I was wrong, as one day during our training, he told me that he has a wife. I was like, huh, you have a wife?

He told me about his short family background etc etc, and I got to know that he is 26 this year and probably just got married like a year or two. Very young to get hitched, yes?

Anyway, secretly in my mind, I was wondering if maybe, only maybe he was bi-sexual? I mean, look at the statics, the percentage of gays vs people who claimed that they go both ways are on the increase! Further to that, even though, I work out, I also notice things around me. So, I'm not like those 'not so bright' category in the gym. I maybe a wolf but I camouflage it in sheep's clothing.

The reason why I said it is because, I have notice CL being very friendly towards 'gay-ish' characters in the gym. Hence, my deduction is from the other instructors to this one, CL was extremely courteous towards them. Maybe my deduction is wrong too, as an instructor, you have a target to achieve, and the more numbers of guys / gals you signed up for PT, the more incentives he earns and also the number of hours he gives, the more he will take back in his salary.

Well, whatever the guess is, I don't bother whether you are both ways or one way or straight up, just concentrate on me when I'm working out. Of course, many a time, there were times of too close for comfort situations. The part where he had to support me from the back while doing my 'dead-lifts' or even other sets, I can feel his whole body next to mine, which, in turn made me feel a sudden loss of energy. No wonder, I never can carry the additional weights that goes with it, all because, I concentrate on the wrong things!

One day, when I was changing into my gym outfit at the men locker's, my CL appeared out of nowhere. It was the first time,I saw him half naked with a towel wrapped around him. He had this nice slender body, almost can see his torso with the defined abs and also muscles bulging from all sides.

U wanna see my family jewels...?

It was not the hunkiest of looks you would expect but given any choice to maintain such a body was already a bonus. He greeted me and asked me when I arrived and we just engaged on a short conversation.

As his locker was like 2 lockers away, he yakked and yakked but the next thing, I noticed, he just flipped open his towel, revealing his 'jewels'. Really, I was stumped and the next thing, that came into my mind, was to peek at his jewels. It was not bad, it was not erect but already it was substantially long and it was normal, I guess. The pubic hair needs a little trimming otherwise the whole package with his uncut penis was just perfect for him.

I know, I'm such a whore, but I did it in a such a way, he didn't notice me gawking for a few seconds. Thank goodness, as he was concentrating on his conversation and looking for stuff in his gym bag, he didn't notice the vicious eyes that were scanning him from the side.

After that incident, every time he comes to support me from the back, I will consciously think of the locker room incident and trying to deflect that memory, I will keep on thinking of grandma's panty hose....yucks!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


where have all the good guys gone...?

I confess that I belong to that generation of the MIRC era. When I came back home from overseas after spending like 8 years away, I was disoriented.

Not much of friends (PLU), no social life, no weekend clubbing or even the occasional afternoon teas. My life was zilch! Most of those I had kept in contact were either my ex-classmates or uni-mates and further to the other side of the fence, I was virtually alone.

I had no one to bitch to or about, no one to hear some juicy gossips like I used to do when I was overseas. The kind of life here is pretty much the same but it was that little circle of friends I had when I was overseas, who kept me company, and the familiarity of the places I used to hang out, all now seem to be very strange to me.

Couldn't adapt to the life here especially the culture here which I still consider slow, I screamed for help. Luckily, I brought back my PC along and the first thing I wanted to do was to get hooked up. Dutifully, I went to the nearest Telecoms center and applied for an Internet account. (remember my time, broadband not fully developed yet and also WIFI)

So,when I managed to hook up to the Internet, I began to feel my world turning sane again.

With a click of a button, I managed to keep my life abreast with things and one of the things, I had encountered was MIRC.

The Internet relay chat channel was my passport in getting to hook up with new friends; I wasted no time in getting in there and to the desired channel that they offered there. I was aghast, so many selections and I was spoiled for choice.

But, it doesn't make sense if I went to a foreign channel when there is a few good ones in my local backyard, right? The first time in that channel, I was just observing the antics of the various chatters in there. Some were hilarious, some were like dumb blonde's, some like to flood the channel with persistent calls for one night stands or who wants to come over as I'm all alone, some who kept silent, some who just chatted with those they know; all in all, a varied pickled of personalities in there.

Out of these few, I managed to hook up to some very interesting nicks like Nexus, Vangelis, StarDream, Sonsuria etc etc...I had picked these out as these became very close friends of mine. During my time, the chats we had were more intelligent. We did encounter some monosyllable dysfunctional personalities but they were rare!

Most of the chatters in there had a very good command of the English Language and we talked about many things that affected our lives, and how we overcame it and laughed at it. There were mention about sex but it was nothing to the sort that we will head straight off to bed after just one chat (I'm not implying that I had gone to bed with any of them too!!)

Normally, after a few chats, we will initiate to meet up for coffee or tea and the choices were always Coffebean. It was too 'un-glam' to be meeting up in mamak or the local 'kopi-tiam'.If we were very close, dinner would be arranged.

I met some of these fabulous guys over at the simplest of places and from one meeting, it progressed to movies, dinner and even the occasional dates. From these few friends, my circle began to grow as from one friend, it led to others and some time, it ventured even further to a group.

Soon, parties were held, trips were organized and then, the growing or the ending of the friendships began to take place. It was all very normal for MIRC chatters. Looking back at one evening, while strolling along Bangsar after dinner with Simple Sue and her boyfriend, Bulging Josh (I swear, his bulge is always there, I think it must be at least 8?), we passed by Alexis the restaurant located along Telawi Street.

I remembered the times we used to have numerous dinners there, and my favorite dish was always Sarawak Laksa and then followed by their Tiramisu. Some birthdays were celebrated there and some not; Friday nights were the peak for that street, it was like who's who would be there.

Some local model or actor or actress will saunter in or just walk past by, while the chatters like us, will be cooped in Coffebean, sipping our Ice Blende Coffee and watching guys walking in and out. It was a riot!

We bitched about who that is, what that one did, where that one ended in bed and in what condition, my my, our mouth's was never sealed, but it was part of our culture. People tend to talk and if you dare to do it, then you would be subjected to becoming other people's subject matter.

Also, characters like the Soong Sisters, the Maid, the "Nai Mah", the horny butler, princess la la Ben etc etc added the color to the whole process we had during our time.

Sadly, as I reflect to the present time, I noticed that the game has changed, the culture mindset also has largely transformed. What used to be the normal greeting standard in the chat channels have now become ASL?

If you think ASL is some cable link name, think again, its not. Its acronym for Age...Sex..Location. Funny that the first thing that occurs on people's mind is to know how tall you are or how fat you are, before chatting. Another thing which I also notice that nowadays, there are more Chinese-educated / Malay-educated ones in the market.

The flow of the language when it is conversed in English gets lost like "LOST IN TRANSLATION" and there is actually no more fun to go in there anymore, unless you are one hot super duper hunky stud, whose only intention is to spawn some poor un-suspecting soul out there. Like what's your asl please....and don't get fooled!

Feeling a bit nostalgic, I still cling to the times when I got to know those friends, but, strangely enough, some of them have developed other habits and fetishes, leaving only the saned ones cooped up in the house, watching Desperate Housewives or Ugly Betty...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Diva at work in the kitchen...

I realized that cooking is an art form that takes some time to master. Not all of us have the ability to do a simple task like frying an egg. There was this friend of mine during my Uni. days when we stayed in a dormitory together.

Give Nerdy Nick a chance to cook something easy, he will tell you that maggi mee is his forte. But, ask him to fry an egg, the whole egg can burn! So, we totally did not rely on NN to do any cooking when it was during special occasions. Instead we had to serve come to think of it, I'm becoming to wonder if that little fiasco he did with the egg actually earned him the right not to do all the dirty job?

So, yeah, cooking takes skills and also art form. We either have it or just don't have it at all. That actually gave me a thought when I briefly mentioned it to Slipper Whore that night about cooking.

You see, SW is a diva when it comes to the kitchen. SW can single handed cook a 7 course dinner and still have time to bake a pie or cake for dessert. Wonder if that is how SW got all the inspirations from Martha Stewart or Fong Tai? Or could it be the numerous cook books neatly stashed in SW's apartment?

simple meal created by SW...

SW brought up a valid point in terms of cooking. Ok, we can have the chance to actually eat outside, or "da bao" (take-away) or just cook plain maggi mee. But, eating all that is not healthy and too much MSG already will ruin our hair, right? especially for those losing hair....

Learning to cook simple dishes is a must must, according to SW. When we get older and if for a number of reasons, we are still alone, have not found that elusive numero uno in our life, well, we can still survive. Like in my previous post, gigs can come in handy but what about the part where you have to fill your stomach on days your gig is not free?

So, we learn to cook simple yet nutritious dishes (knowing how PLUs care about their bodies), and its not even going to take very long. At times, one can also impress friends by having dinner parties (for a small group) or if you are adventurous enough, you might want to throw a party for 20 persons?

I've also attended numerous parties thrown by these cooking divas; impressed that they can actually serve exotic, simple or fusion. I guess that in every PLU, there is a desire for us to entertain and show off the best china, best vases, best decoration of flowers, etc etc...

As for me, its not that I do not know how to cook but its the fact that I'm actually very lazy at it. When I was younger (many moons ago), I did have the penchant to whip something. Give me time, I can actually make cookies or even cakes (thanks to my Eurasian god-ma) or the ever elusive curries like Green Curry (Portuguese style), Devil's curry, Curry Feng ( a kind of dish that is only served during Christmas) or the numerous "achars" or pickles.

I have these recipes neatly filed in a hand made book but to actually dig my hands and do something about it, inspiration! Well, trust me, I know if ever one day, I'm all alone, I will survive and I will cook for myself and even my friends.

But, if you are like my friend NN, then I hope you will at least try to learn how to fry the egg properly but not burning it.

Oh, by the way, any of you out there throwing a party, invite me, so I can sample some fabulous food from you cooking divas! I know you just want to show off...right?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


sensual massage anyone?

This posting has been due for some time now but then again, like they say, better late than never, yes?

I had tea with this friend of a friend whom I got to know that his work is a part-time masseur in the evenings. Now, Tender Ted is only 24 this year, medium in height, a swimmer, works out partly in the gym, so all in all, in terms of a nice bod, he does possess it. His disposition is of a boy-ish type of guy, many guys who have the first look at him will actually say he has a very charming and enduring smile; coupled with a dimple. All in all, a hot dude.

Day time, he works off in a respectable company but due to his financial background, he tries to earn some extra money by moonlighting as a part-time masseur. According to him, the money is easy and in one night, he can easily chalk up between RM200 to RM 400, depending on how the business is like for the night. If its a weekend, its even double bonus, provided the scenario is, he has many bookings. But, judging from his looks and body shape, I must say that TT should be booked most of the time. He was evasive on how much he actually earns in a month, but judging from what I gather from other sources, a popular masseur can earn at least RM 3K in a month & tax free. (I might be exaggerating as I do not have the necessary data to support this)

However, what intrigues me about their experiences is mostly on the customer's characters and expectations. TT told me in a matter of fact that he has met some very weird ones, some even kinky and some just plain disgusting.

For example. all of this happens when he does out-calls. And I will relate them in a summarized way:-

Customer # 1
An elderly gentleman who called him up for massage and asked him to go to his condo nestled somewhere in the hills off Bangsar. It was past midnight and not wanting to earn less that night, TT went to this gentleman's place. It was tastefully decorated, very Balinese and it looked like this elderly gentleman looks kinda familiar too.

TT tried to re-collect where he had seen this guy before and then it struck in his mind, he was some celebrity which appeared on television and newspapers. Anyway, TT did not asked him who he was but proceeded to get him to lie down and massage him. Usually for that kind of massage, both parties will be naked, so the gentleman was lying there face down and then suddenly, TT had an urge to go to the toilet.

He asked the gentleman to excuse him as he wanted to urinate but instead of directing him to the toilet, that man actually asked TT to urinate into his mouth! TT was shocked, but the man said its alright, will give him extra tips later...and so TT did it.

According to TT, it was both disgusting and weird. But, for money's sake, TT just accepted his job.

i'm doing it for the money...

Customer # 2
It was one of those evenings that TT was nervous as business was a bit slow. So, when the next call came on, he was delighted to accept that task. Over at the other end, was this guy, mid-30s, living in Damansara Heights, around the Setia Budi area.

Apparently, this guy's family was out for a holiday, and he being alone in the house decided to indulge in some sensual pampering. So, TT arrived at this rather huge mansion and found that this guy was quite well to do. Nicely decorated and homely feeling.

Then, he was led upstairs to the guest room and the guy, just took off everything and laid on the bed. Before TT can begin, the man suddenly asked TT to lie down instead. TT told the man if he did that, he would not be able to massage him.

The man insisted TT to lie down and told him its ok, no need to massage him andhe will instead pay him extra. Thinking that the man wanted to fuck him, TT told him that he does not do it as he is a Top. The man told TT to just lie down, no fucking sessions, just some movements and promised to pay him extra.

With this assurance, TT lied down as he was told. Before he could even say flying swordsman, that man was sucking on TT's toes! He was doing it so diligently and as he did it, he was obviously getting "high" and that next thing, he was already ejaculating.

TT went off richer that night, for less than an hour, and doing nothing, he earned RM 250.00.

Customer # 3
This customer happened to call him last minute on a weekend. Because an earlier appointment was last minute cancelled by his regular client, TT went to answer this.

This man (in his late 20's) lived right smack in the KLCC area and he was a Singaporean. He was put up in the Ascot area and TT went up to his service apartment. Before anything started, the man asked TT how much the massage cost and what type he offers. TT told him the various types available and the man agreed to a normal one.

While the man was lying face downwards, TT began to work out the body but each time TT did it, it was all wrong by the man. He became to complain (like most Singaporeans are famous for) and complain saying his strokes all wrong and he was not hard enough, bla bla.

In TT's mind, he was thinking what a fussy customer he had accepted but before he could even say anything, the man asked TT to lie down instead. And, out of his shocking balls, the man began to massage him instead. After that has finished, the man asked TT to come to the toilet with him, and thinking that perhaps the man wants to shower, he followed the man to the bathroom.

While both of them were in there, the man lied down in the bathtub. The man's request, please shower him with his urine....and TT was like huh? Being obedient as he was, he did what he was told. He urinated on the man and the man requested him to urinate him all over his body and including his face!

Later, he even asked TT if he wanted to defecate and this being the last straw that broke the camel's back, TT had to categorically say NO! The man was cool about it and then both of them showered and after that, TT was given RM500 just like that.

Of course, not all the times, TT had this weird request but these were the gems that he told me. The rest of it was also kinda sad, like when he has performed a certain "service", the client did not honor his part and paid as agreed.
I looked at TT with no judgement whatsoever, for who am I to give it? But, I know that when you are desperate and you are young, you want to earn some fast bucks, this is one avenue one might choose. But, not all will do it but to TT, I do salute him for what he has done, well, at least my circle of friends are diversified and I have this to blog out...maybe if he has more weird ones, I will put in here for all to share.

This shows that in a country like Malaysia, there are indeed all kinds of people...'cest la vie'



I'm blogging this at precisely the witching hour and also the fact that its midnight and a new day...which in turn is my Birthday!!

Ha ha, I never really considered Birthdays as something very important as this is just another day to remind me that I'm a step closer to being old and wise and perhaps my next accommodation will be some high mountain up there in the clouds?

But, thinking a little bit of the years gone by, my little existence in this world was actually a gamble.

Why do I say its a gamble? Well, according to my granny who told me this story, I was a product of what happened in my family. Originally, this family had 3 members, 1 girl and 2 boys.

However, the girl developed cancer at the age of 12 and passed on and my dad who loves girls more than boys, wanted to take a chance to get another girl. At that time, my mom was already 40 when she conceived me and for a woman to conceive so late, there were many implications both to the mother and child.

She pressed on and defying all odds decided to take this chance. When the due date for me to officially come out from her womb did not materialize (I was late for 1 week), the doctors had to perform Cesarean to get me out.

The thought of the child dying inside was a matter of life and death, and on that fateful day, the doctors actually sent out word for my dad to sign on the consent letters to allow the doctors to operate on my mom. It was drama as I believe that my dad was out somewhere and here were the doctors trying to keep in touch of him (remember at that time, there were no cell phones or even pagers).

Somehow, I came out after much cajoling and it was a thorough disappointment for my dad as he had expected a girl all this while. (again scanning during my mother's time was not available). As I remembered, I was born in University Hospital (at that time, it was the most modern and premiered hospital in KL) and I had to be spanked on my butt as I was not crying.

The nurses had to spank me so hard and later on, only did I managed to cry after a while (they had thought that I was dead). Later on, I was placed in an incubator and did not discharge until a month later.

Looking back, I guess, my late dad didn't really have to feel so devastated, for me to come out to this world, I believe I did fulfill his wishes but its only that I did not wear dresses or have boobs. I was a girl well, not exactly more likely I will say, I'm both of a yin and yang, not too bad to begin with!

Although, dad never said any cared or love words to me, but I know deep down, he did care for me. He will provide the stuff that I need, and made sure that I was well adequately taken care of. I was a sickly child when growing up and there were times, I had to go to the clinic or the hospitals. Perhaps these are the symptoms that I have to endure as I was a born so late?

As I reflect today of the things I have done in the past, yes there were ups and down and certainly sorrows and laughter, I will cherish them with an open heart. I know my journey in life was already tough to begin with.

Was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but whatever I have in me, I strive on to remember where I came from. I wish I had more but certainly, if that is what is to be, I guess, I will not refuse it, but if its not, then maybe I will just try abit harder. (work more)

My relationships have been good and bad ones, but never mind, I know that I will find that elusive guy one day, whoever and wherever he is, because ultimately, I know that LOVE will never fail us if we remain true to it!

So, Happy Birthday to myself, Happy Anniversary and I thank God for all the blessings, good and bad...

Monday, July 9, 2007


Thailand, the land of the smiles is well known for its pristine islands, delicious food, various kind of tropical and also temperate fruits (lychee, strawberries, longan), its nightlife especially in Bangkok and the charm of its people.

No wonder, most tourists will stop to visit Thailand as they offer all of these wonderful things. Another aspect of the Thai people is that they live by a very unique culture called "Mai Pen Rai" or no worries. Everything its "sabay sabay" (pronounced as sa-bye, sa-bye meaning relax).

So with a combination of Mai Pen Rai and Sabay Sabay, you can tell that the people of Thailand attest to their good natured of living by this set rules. And true to its form, a set of rules have also emerged in the local population over there.
According to Slipper Whore, there is a new term called "GIG". Why gig and what is the meaning?

Well, the word gig as we know in the English language means "a single professional engagement, usually of short duration, as of jazz or rock musicians".

But according to the Thai people and what was translated to me by SW, a gig in a Thai sense is someone who wants companionship, not relationships. This form of companionship is openly practised by both straights and also PLUs.

Ok, let's say you feel lonely during the weekends, and you want someone to accompany you for dinner, movies and will look for a gig. Now, not to be misunderstood with an escort, a gig is someone who actually do not take any form of payment. When both go out, its on dutch or maybe one pays for the movie tickets, the other on popcorn, something to that sort, get the drift?
And in a gig, one can have sex with that person too, and its like mutually accepted by both sides. A gig will leave you once the sex is done. No messy attachments, just a short term companionship basis.

can I be your gig, please...?

If you dissect the meaning more, its actually MNS (multi-night stands) instead of ONS (one-night-stands) where in the latter, you will not meet with that person anymore. However, in a gig, its like an on-going companionship, and the game is, you can actually have many gigs. Say for examples 7 days in a for each day of the week.

And to my horror, gig's can be someone attached or even married....for example, your current gig you are meeting for your 11pm appointment on ride the waves, can be someone blissfully married to a partner and if the other party doesn't know, it does not have to be known. It was also brought to my attention that perhaps couples dating together, may themselves be gigs to others in the market...

Wonder if this is also true in the Malaysian context? Any gigs out there who wanna comment...?

Sunday, July 8, 2007


sir, u want me...?

Slipper Whore buzzed me last night to update me on her "antics" in the city of Angels. It's been a while since I had a good chat with my dear friend up in the land of smiles and once again, she has never failed to charm me with her stories.

The latest one involves her little adventure at the la la massage land. She was telling me how it was rejuvenating to have a massage, how each strokes the masseur applied on her was so invigorating and a delight to the senses and also sensual in nature. But after all that crap, I cut short and asked her to be more precise...

To that, she has and told me instantly how she just had a massage by this hot, hunky stud over the Internet. The whole "package" will set the damage to about Bht 1500 (eqv. to RM 150), in short its a service provider given you instant relief at times you need it.

She even provided me the Internet link to where she source her so called studs and when I peeked into that web site, why, yes, even me Blog Whore would be smitten to actually say that some of them are cute & not necessarily all hot.

Then, our conversation progressed on visits to the saunas or bath centers. How some people will just take the thrill of visiting these centers or "spas" to enter either the saunas or steam rooms; so much so that even if their skin turns to prune texture, they will die die enter it, all because of the thrill of catching a "trick" or even maybe experiencing a "tricking session".

To avoid all this SW gave a very clear and concise answer, pay that amount and end all of this cat & mouse game. I told SW that some people do like these games, even though at the end results whether they do catch any or maybe they get caught by others whom are not their taste, its still very much their choice.

SW agreed, but said to minimize all wastage of time, its best to just select the stuff you want, pay up and enjoy it. Very much true, unless you have extra cash to spare.

And, furthermore, added SW, given a scenario where I was to compete with SW with a "trick" we liked, then how? Cat fights? Each pulling each other's hair...oops, wait a minute, SW doesn't have much hair to begin pull where ah?

Not wanting to waste this moment, SW again enticed me to visit her in the land of smiles, stating very categorically that there is a new go go boy that she wants me to meet up. Accordingly (how true again, not sure), this hunky stud is very good looking and not to mention endow with a huge tool. SW is already setting her eyes on this huge prized possession. (sometimes, I wonder if my dear friend SW is like Samantha in Sex & The City?)

I put up smileys in our MSN wonder, some people are really having a great time based in the land of the smiles!

Hence, SW and me can complement very well in many way, we do not cross into each other's territories, we do not compete for the same guys and as they say, "One man's meat is another man's poison" is really apt for us, as we both have different tastes to the approach of guys... and with that, have a good new week ahead!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

070707 - SPECIAL DAY?

I have nothing much to add today except to say that its 070707 and what makes this a special day? Hmmm, let me look outside for awhile...

Looks like any other I guess all this hype about this occurrence of numbers and dates are just what humans like to attest to them? I'm not sure but correct me if I'm wrong.

Quick cap, what is so special with the number 7? According to Christians, 7 is the perfect number...why?

God completed his creation and rested on the 7th day. Thus, the Sabbath has always been known to be holy. (Jews worship on the sabbath which is the Saturday and Sunday is to them, the beginning of the new week, note, not Monday)

To this day, Christians also adopt Sundays as the beginning of the new week and why Christians got to church on Sundays is because Jesus was resurrected on on 3rd day after Friday (JC died on a Friday and 3 days later, i.e. Sunday, Jesus is resurrected)

7 is mentioned 187 times in the Bible; the phrase seven-folds occurs 70 times; & the number 70 occurs 56 times.

There are 7 deadly sins:- lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, wrath, envy & pride.

There are 7 holy virtues:- chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness & humility.

There are 7 holy sacraments:- baptism, confirmation, holy Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, holy orders & matrimony.

** (source Star Two)

For Muslims, the number 7 also is important to them.

Muslims need to go round the Kaaba 7 times.

Muslims will take 7 pebbles to stone the Devil's Stone.

Their prophet, Muhd, whilst in Jerusalem, was taken to the 7th heavens.

Hence, the number 7 represents something wonderful to different faiths and to different peoples.

However, to my opinion, these are all meaningless if we still do not honor & respect each other. Fundamental rights and civil liberties must be respected and the moral compass of an individual is solely his / her responsibility.

No one can take that away from that individual. Not the state, a holy person or even anyone, for whatever choices we were given, we have the right to exercise it.

Its only when people impose their own views and then force others to follow them & then condition them, then this is is un-principled guidance. Not even God from his mighty throne has come down and with shouts of thunder and brim stones denied a person's choice in life.

Nope, only humans with their lofty knowledge that they think they act on behalf, is the one's who are more guilty. What can they do? Counsel and teach, but if at the end of the day, the individual is still adamant in wanting to stick to his or her choices, we have to respect that, not force them to some rehabilitation home (sound so Communist) and in there, re-education methods will be used.

Where is the freedom of conscience? Where is the freedom of choosing your path of life? I'll ask for today that the will of the silent majority out there, voice out without fear and trample on all this inequalities that exists in this nation of ours...(for when silence is condoned, it means consent has been given)
come and VOICE out in choosing your way of life...

Friday, July 6, 2007


Watching Transformers last night for the midnight slot was a real bonus. Yes, even though limping as I was, I still managed to get my ass up to the cinema last night for it.

SW came over to pick me up and I managed to book the tickets through the Internet. Not the best seats in the house but still it was fairly respectable as it was not too near nor too far, and it made sense for me to walk up and down the aisle. Chosen the seats which were best for me to get up, out and not in anyway intruding to anyone's walkway.

From the minute the movie started, it was action, action, action all the way. It was as if you were hooked to your seat for the best two hours and was worth every penny spent on the movie ticket!

There were the Autobots and the Decepticons - Optimus Prime the leader of the good side whilst, Megatron for the bad. But, it was pumping action all the way, and not wanting to spoil anything, I guess I will not indulge too much on the plots.

The rating for this movie is definitely a 5 star rating on the action moves and the adrenaline rush in this movie is superb. Not to mention Josh Duhamel, is an eye candy!

now where did my I-phone go to...?

gosh u think I'm cute?...

I have a strange feeling I might be going for a second viewing again, can't get enough of it and yes, it certainly brings me back to my childhood days; especially on days when Transformers the cartoon was shown way back then.

I'm already anticipating for a Part Two on the makes...

one for the album...