Thursday, September 6, 2007


never felt this way before...

Have you ever come across a situation whereby you just met someone very casually and that someone actually puts a full imprint of them in your life? You have this vague meeting with them, that did not even lasts for a mere 5 minutes and your role in this was just to facilitate some "hello" and "good byes".

You stood at one corner, having to only see the whole action in play and what you do is just stand there and observe. You notice the guy who is talking to your friend to exuberate such a charming spell, that you just look at him mesmerized and not wondering what the hell am I standing there for?

The minute he flashes that charming smile and that endearing charisma in him, you feel all swooned up and melted inside. You don't even think the world is moving now, everything stops at that precise moment. Its a feeling that brings you to a higher level that even better than any drugs out there. Its a sort of chemistry 101, that even your best chemistry teachers did not teach you. You feel elevated when you see that smile, that charm and that enduring gesture.

You feel like hugging him that instantaneously and wanting to just not let go off him.I know that by doing so too, your previous troubles are faded away for the time being and you feel very comfortable. I believe that I have found that elusive guy who did all this to me, and I did not even dare to bat another eyelid on him...why, because I was shy!

Gosh, the only place I can openly meet him will be through my dreams and through that medium, voice out what I have so wanted to say...if only, I had the real presence of a chance! I guess I should allow my fantasy to just live on...

**fyi, this has been going on for a week now**


Shake Trees said...

oops... some1 falling in luv. kekeke... puppy luv perhaps? yar the feeling is can't b comprehend.

Ganymede said...

How about doing something about it? Just give it a go? :)

Anonymous said...

You've met someone? That's good to hear!!! So are you going after him?

coolgardy said...

Well its only infatuation...nothing more than tha. And, I do not think I will have anything to do with him except to wish him and his bf, all the best!

Ryan said...

Nothing more than that?! Yeah right! :p

adrien said...

i hate digging my own graves. but then again life ain't that fun without having the occasional fall into them.