Saturday, September 15, 2007


argghh...moving to facebook soon

You know what guys...I'm now officially HOOKED on Facebook. My friends have been urging me to sign up for it for a long time now, but I have not done so, because I was lazy...yes but now, that I finally gave it a go, goodness...I'm already addicted to it.

I need to upload more photos of myself and also make new friends from it. I guess, that is the only way I can extend my network and also keep my dear precious ones? So, guys, what say you? Get a facebook if you do not have one...or if you have...add me?


Anonymous said...

Hey,there quite a few friends of mine have been asking me to join Facebook too after they have joined.

Why don't you tell us more about the interesting features of this service huh in your next post. I would like to know more before I sign up.

J.L said...

I been receiving email from my friend invite me to join Facebook