Saturday, September 8, 2007


Last night, I went to watch "The Invasion" with CK. The movie talks about an invasion of alien virus that takes over the whole emotional side of humans. They are still left with their memories, likes and dislikes but show no emotional outburst whatsoever.

Adapted from an earlier movie of the same name, the 1956 movie titled "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". I caught the movie on Astro's Star movies some time ago. The original movie was in black and white. The plot was the same, aliens trying to take over the human race and by doing so, sucks out all the humans ability to react to emotions.

However, for the present day, the plot is the same but with a slightly modification being placed in it. The beat of the movie gradually ascends but there were slight portions that could have been deleted off. The acting by Nicole Kidman, I found her pretty but then coming to action packed themes, I personally feel that she is not suitable for it. There were scenes where she was expected to show urgency and get the audience going but there were some salvation towards the end when, the momentum of the movie picks up very fast from there. Throughout it, it was kinda plain sailing; Daniel Craig (last seen in James Bond) did not take off his shirt and what a bad idea. It would have been good to show him flex off some of his muscles out there. The child actor was good, really enjoyed his acting.

Overall, I would recommend it to fans of sci-fi. There were moments in the film which I really felt my adrenaline pulse pulsating to a high note watching 'those scenes' (not revealing here). If you had nothing much to do and want to just allow your fantasy mind to over work themselves, then go watch INVASION, it might also help you to remember these 3 golden rules:-





Ganymede said...

I love the movie lots especially Nicole Kidman. She's good.

J.L said...

watch on merdeka day. Nicole kidman acting very flexible and i also like a actress who act in flightplan. Whatz the name ar?