Saturday, September 22, 2007


5 things I would like to confess to...

I was tagged by Strictly Gay to announce to the world the following 5 things in my....

Since salvation has not been accorded to me, I have no choice but to compile to this little request...

5 things in my...


1. Toiletries

2. Gym clothes

3. Underwear

4. Hair Wax

5. Protein Shaker


1. Cash (of course, duh)

2. 3 credit cards

3. Gym membership card

4. ATM cards (3 of them)

5. MediClinic card


1. Bed

2. Color television

3. DVD player

4. Hi-Fi set

5. Laptop

5 Things I Like To Try...

1. Take one year paid leave and travel all over the US and Europe (working part-time at the same time)

2. Be a chef

3. Make out with Daniel Wu (yes I secretly want that fantasy fulfilled)

4. Be a member of Parliament

5. Have a son / daughter

5 Things I'm Doing Now...

1. Writing this meme

2. Writing this meme

3. Writing this meme

4. Writing this meme

5. Writing this meme

Well, finally, I got this out of my chest. And, if you are reading this and its still the weekend, have a great one, of what is left of it.


David The Man said...

Got you tagged in my bookmark... hehehe... which means... something you know lah. YOU ARE TAGGED. but not yet in my blog... soon to come, k?

Ganymede said...

Ooooo. Daniel Wu. Me like. :P

Melvin Mah said...

What a life to travel around...doing whatever you like and not just for the sake of living* Meaningful...~

Ryan said...

Oh I think I need to get a protein shaker!

coolgardy said...

David : err...thanks for tagging me and as usual, my famous word will there no salvation out of this? :)

QR: we'll hv to fight for Daniel then.

m5lvin: well said...but more likely, life has never been about meaningful thus far...

Ryan: y need protein when your body already so nice eh? :)