Saturday, August 25, 2007


Did you get caught in a traffic jam the past few days when you wanted to get anywhere especially travelling in the city? Well, I did, and coupled with the sudden downpour at the late evening, the whole roads in KL suddenly looked like a huge parking lot.

Drivers trying to manoeuvre their machines from one end to the other and at the same time totally disregarding the traffic lights and rules? Like a Singaporean buddy of mine who likes to compare our traffic jam with Thailand, he praised us for being organized but he christened it as organized chaos!

Yes, I was caught in the jam the past few days and suddenly all my mood just changed from good to bad. Like the novella, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, I assumed that role immediately when I take to the wheels. I get impatient and despite me taking breathing lessons during such ordeals, I still get mad when someone does not observe proper etiquette and cut in the lines!

Or the take instance of someone cutting into my lane abruptly without even giving an indicator to do so...but mostly when I'm assuming the evil role, I believe all sense of normalcy in me, suddenly takes a nose dive and I become intolerant.

I realized that I tend not to give way even when the other driver has politely indicated their intentions to go into my lane, NO NO NO, that will not do, I will move my vehicle much closer to the one in front and let them move only after I have done so.

Gosh, what is happening to me? I never used to be like that. When I used to drive, I have been very courteous on the roads. I give way to other vehicles who may want to cut into my lane, and usually am tolerant to drivers who drive like 50kph on the fast lane...I mean, I will just not bother.

Lately, maybe, due to a lack of intolerant behavior, I have been bad and just not give way. I will be a menace like the others on the road. Total disregard of the traffic rules, I find that the road system in Malaysia is totally in disarray, simply because drivers like me are on the road.

Is there no salvation for me? Is there a way to redeem all this bad habits that I have been taking into account? Why the push to selfishness when I can be generous? What has become of me? I mean, for heaven's sake, I don't even drive a big huge car to terrorize others, mine is a small car for that matter. Yet, I still act as if I have this huge ego that will not want to put my human nature down!

But at times, I do know that what I have done is wrong and try to make amends, but the fact lies in the others who will then try to ignite that flaming passion in me (not for love or desire to be good) to get even!! I don't even understand what makes me go this way, only that instinctively, I'm suppose to be on time, and also be sure that I do not let other's wait. (for the information of others, I usually plan my journey but upon reaching a certain stretch of road which normally will take about 10 minutes to reach, on a crazy day, it will take an hour...if you were in my shoes, how would u feel?)

Fuck...I totally need to relax myself and get away from all this tensed up, stressed up society...far away from all this madness, into a quiet and serene atmosphere...anyway, this is my confession for the week. Forgive me for I have sinned...or get the heck out of my way!

u got a problem with my driving?


Ryan said...

Hahaha... the evil within has finally surfaced. I don't blame you, for I know what it feels like to stuck in the traffic jammed. That's why I try to take public transport.

But tell you what, public transport in KL doesn't make us feel any better.

adrien said...

all you need is a good song, look at the simple and good things that pass by, and SMILE YO YOURSELF. works for me every time. :)

coolgardy said...

Ryan: OMG, how many years now have I not taken public transport...but i know it sucks both our public roads and also the public transport.

Adrien: I have sung to all the songs I like until the next guy thinks I'm crazy or something...but then again, it really pisses me off when u see ppl not following the proper rules. **shessh**