Thursday, June 21, 2007


We feel so Alone...

I'm writing this little message to those who often cry out and say they are lonely and that they do not have anyone out there for them. My answer to them..."You are not alone!"

There are so many people out there who are lonely, who have friends but do not have the significant other half to complete their life, but at times, we should ask, is this our doing or merely its a fact that we all want to be single but secretly want someone to be there when we do get lonely or bored?

Now, I'm just thinking aloud of this issue here and there is of course not right or wrong answers to what my mind is exploring and opening up now. Why in the first place, do people complain that they are lonely when there are many out there who can fill in that place? And, when they have actually have a special feeling for that someone, at the same time, they feel obligated to another party...but having said that, the other party to whom they have a special feeling, cannot reciprocate as to what the former can give.

So, these people will lament that they are lonely and nobody wants them to their close friends and hoping that by this action, these close friends, will be able to help them soothe out their emotional tears, which is only temporary. However, this kind of action only intends to heal it at the spur of the moment, but never as something permanent.

The only permanent way is to get hitched but if the person is adamantly not wanting to do so, there will always be that vicious cycle of pain. Then, the quarter strings of sad melancholy starts to quiver and its back to square one.

No, unless that person takes an initiative to mend their ways and resolve to move on from what they know is not going to happen, the sooner the better for them to get out of that vicious cycle. When that person is able to take the challenge to be with a new person, then only things will change. The old has gone, the new has come, so take joy that all the unfounded fears will soon dissipate.

I know some guys personally who are in that league. At times, I feel that I'm also part and parcel of it too, but you know, if we never know how to give up and move on; at the same time to walk that plank of faith into the unknown, we will never know the outcome to our life story. Ups and down, we are always face with indefinite obstacles, but after each obstacle, it makes us stronger and able bodies to take up more challenges that move along our way.

So, all the unfortunate lonely hearts out there (me inclusive), we are not alone, we just need to pluck up our courage and move on. What has been sentimental needs to be moved to our baggage compartment and labeled as excess baggage. Having said that, we will then move forward and leave those excess baggage for the local dumpster to take it off our burden, for it is said, "THE YOKE OF BURDEN WILL BE LIFTED FROM THEM"

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