Sunday, June 24, 2007


Have you ever come across people who give you a hard time either in work, school or office? They seem so unreasonable and at times, very difficult to comprehended? You say yes, they say no, you say its white, they say its black? Either way, they give you a hard time by changing things or not sticking to schedules agreed upon?

Then, suddenly, with a change of heart, you developed this desire to change them. Assuring yourself that perhaps these poor unfortunate souls might not know what they are doing is actually harming the people around them.

Armed with this surge of mission to change a person's behavior or character, you go along that path with much gusto. However, as you try to change them, you receive so much of resistance and that path which you thought to be at first filled with idealistic dreams, suddenly turns out to be a nightmare.

You feel exhausted, loses your temper easily and worse of it all, you have spiteful intentions that developed with it. Instead of now, showing compassion, you create ingenious ways to make that person's life miserable.

The thoughts that conjure up in the fertile mind is very interesting too. One can think of ways to probably scratch the ex's new car, maybe throw fresh termites into that new condo unit knowingly that the whole unit is wood based? Or, what about going to extreme of infecting the other half, who is now the ex, with HIV? (I have heard of such true cases)

But, in essence, people are born good, we have a choice to choose between what is good and bad. Conscience will always play a part in us to decide for us to choose wisely, but we as humans, are always engulfed by the flames of anger. We are not really stable until we realize that we did a boo boo by reacting to that anger. Only then, we regret and regress in our sorrows but that time, it might be too late? However, having said that, there are some still not repentant of their actions, and continue to justify their actions further on it.

I did come across such inflammatory actions before while I was still in my infancy stage. At times, I really wonder when I sit down and ponder of my actions of yesteryear, how evil can I be? Thankfully, I do not have to do this anymore.

Realising that anger or having spiteful feelings is just like a cancer in our body, why continue to prolong it? We should nip it in the bud before it really do anymore damages. After all, once we take it out of our system, we feel so light. And, trust me, once we take that out, be gracious about it. Go to the other party and just tell them off, " I FORGIVE YOU"

Forgive and forget...

Sensing that its a losing battle, at times, we should just allow that person to be what they want to be. After all, its a free country where we have a choice, to choose, not bounded by any rulling or religious decrees, because, after all, at the end of the day, its the individual who has to own up to his / her choices.

Forgiving someone else puts us in higher pedestal than the other ass hole that caused all the problems in the first place. We should not be too overly excited or worked out when people have inadvertently caused these problems for us, we can just move on, leave that poor soul wallowing in their own excrement's - after all, we do not want to go to that smelly level, now do we?

So, cheers for another week ahead, thanks for spending time to read my thoughts penned in here.


Ganymede said...

Fun being human eh. I think conflict is important or else life would be so boring with everyone having the same opinion as everyone.

Anonymous said...

coolgardy..there are plenty of such bitches in the world. Just need to handle them nicely, the more you fight the more they wanna show their bitchi-ness and power...I am facing one now at my job...these bitches makes life very interesting and colorful lor...take it easy..chai yen yen krub..