and after his Form 5, enrolled in the Lim Kok Wing University.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
The Story of Po Hwa (Part 1)
and after his Form 5, enrolled in the Lim Kok Wing University.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Is it a blessing or is it a bane...? You decide...

Having said that, this blog which I’m now attempting to resurrect, there have been numerous incidents that have had happened. There are many things to share but I guess I should not overload in one upload, rather take the easy way out and tell them as days go by…if that you the reader have the utmost patience to do so. With this, I humbly seek your kind consideration to perhaps allow me to speak gibberish in this blog and if they make sense to you, perhaps seek an understanding that you may agree or disagree with me by adding in your precious comments.
The latest updates I want to talk about this time round are the fact that I have met 2 guys…totally different in character and thoughts. However, the fact remains is that both of them are like 3 decades away from me! Yes, you have heard it right, they are younger, and case #1 is a 18year old, while case #2 is 21. For case #1, the circumstances leading to this meeting was held in the most unmentionable way, it was by way of a bored afternoon spent at the spa, and that was how this little liaison started.
Case# 2 is someone whom I have met like 2 years ago, went out for a dinner date and when he told me that his preferences was for taller guys, I thought maybe he was being a bit superficial because that was his only requirement. I thought it being quite unlikely to continue from there, wished him all the best and just kept a minimal of our conversations via the MSN by the standard hellos and byes.
So, you the reader may think what’s with the point of me bringing up these 2 case subjects? Actually, if I were to ask myself, I would not know it too but for the sake of wanting to share what’s in my life now, I thought it would be better for the readers to give me an opinion or in other words, judge me and guide me of what is going in my life?
Case# 1, shall we christened him as Xiao Fu (XF), is a fellow who works part time being a masseur at one of the spas located in the gardens of the Tun. Actually, I have noticed his picture for some time now as I regularly get updates of this spa from them and based on the gallery shown, he was someone that I thought looked interesting and decided to request for this services. Perhaps it was the will of the Heavens that I should meet XF that afternoon, when the attendant told me that he was available. So imagine my anticipation as I approached the spa and got down to “business”. I was ushered in this little treatment room with a bed, a couch and outside was the outdoor shower facilities. There was a towel that was placed at the end of the couch. I picked that up and began to undress myself. I wrapped the towel around me and waited. The waiting was incredulously torturing. Every seconds, you may wonder what may walk in, because in all my experiences, one can never trust the pictures posted on the gallery. There is always the element of photo shop being blatantly abused when trying to fix a picture, so I thought. I decided to walk out to inspect the outdoor shower area; it was done quite brilliantly so I thought. Then, there was a knock on the door and it was my therapist. He walked in, all 180cm of him and was lanky to begin with and that long hair, perhaps it’s a phase. So, he directed me to the shower area and he began to undress himself too. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a pair of hands began to hit the most sensitive part of my body, my stomach and knowing that I have yet to develop that 6 level packs, I began to feel a tad shy of him caressing that area.
The whole ritual continued with him giving me a wash up and the moment he began to move upwards, downwards and to an area which is extra sensitive, I began to feel a hardon coming up. I had thought hard to think of other things to avert this feeling but could not as my therapist too had an incredible hardon pressing against my body. This continued on for some time and before you knew it, it was time to face him to the face as all this while, my back was against him. As I gazed at his eyes, I could not help but allow myself to feel slutty and have my lips touched his. I must admit I initiated all of this action and a kiss turned out to be a frenchy one and was clearly intense
Thereafter, he led me in to the room, and as I laid down thinking of the wonderful pampering I will get, honest to be said, I got more than I bargained for. XF was really sensual with his movements and the way he went about to give me the treatment was really out of this world. I cannot think of any other therapist that would have gone down to such details. Well, as they said, one thing led to another and before I got to say “eureka” there he was already trying to initiate to “enter” me! I avoided him coming into me but finally, I relented as he was too good and his skills for a young guy, was really amazing! He possessed a rather odd looking weapon but nonetheless, it was nothing that I have not seen. I took it like a man and the more he did it albeit the painfulness, it actually felt good! Being a top myself I thought this young chap exceeded his skills to the max. I guess that afternoon; I have totally surrendered to the warm embrace of his skills. Another thing about him, when I complained that it was painful and asked him to move in slowly, he did so with much geniality, for a young dude, he was totally sensitive unlike some, which I know, are brash!
You could have guessed it, there was no proper massage treatment; what I had was an intense sexual act that afternoon. After we had finished with the task, he asked if he could hitch a ride from me. From a ride, it went to dinner, yes not the smart thing to do but I was intrigued to interview this XF. So, we settled at a restaurant in 1U, sat down and there he began to pour out to me his life story. He had 3 boyfriends before, and his last one was like 2 weeks ago. Alarm bells began to sound immediately when he said he broke off 2 weeks ago, yeah guys, rebound! I thought to myself, better keep my distance from him, as I could not afford to have an emotional tidal wave hitting me! In summary, he is an intelligent dude but comes from a broken up family, raised by his mother (dad walked out of the family), is still vague of what love is, kid like attitude and best of all, thinks that he knows best in all things (well not all, there are certain things he is still raw). I began to feel a sense of compassion for XF but I know that this is wrong, because knowing myself, to allow me to develop feelings for a kid yet a masseur is so totally awry! If you think that this was the last time we kept in touch, you are wrong my dear readers. For the minute my mind decides to say NO, my fingers began to text him and asked if he still wants to meet up! Talk about hypocrisy, assuring oneself but doing the opposite of it!
But, now, I’m more certain that my feelings for case#1 is one sided, I guess. I’m so sucked up to this that I give myself false hopes to think that I might be able to change him or influence him, but the more I spend time with him, suffice to say, I think he is taking advantage of me and the fact that I’m the one who buys dinner all the time. I’m at a loss…not that I cannot afford the dinners, but its more likely towards the emotional exchanges that might fall on me, and that these exchanges will only result in being one sided…
Friday, June 6, 2008
what a stress-ful day!
Upon reaching the gym, I realized I was very wrong! It was crowded and there was a number of PLUs who were there too....and I was like, what the hell? Eyes rolling, never mind, I thought, maybe I will have to devise my plans for that evening. Like it or not, life was not going to be kind to me, and instead, what I wanted, it didn't turn out to be what I had expected! Bloody fucking assholes, I was crying out for my private space, but none was there to offer me, so reluctantly I had a terrible workout and instead, I headed to the changing room and stripped off my gym clothes and decided to head to the steam room, in the hope that I might just unwind for the day. As I made my way to the steam room, again my heart beat faster, hoping that it will not be crowded. Like the Chinese proverb says " There is a head and a tail" meaning in every situation that happens, there will be a start and an end. With great anticipation, I pushed the door open and what expected me was a pleasant surprise, as there were only 3 guys in it. I thought to myself, good, let it be that way, and I made my way to the little corner of that room. As I seated myself and began to unwind myself, the guy next to me, walked out and left. In my heart, I was thinking, perhaps the other two guys would also leave me alone.
The seconds began to click away but these two guys did not budge off from their area and instead I noticed some 'movement' between these two guys. From the faint steams arising, I noticed that they were not bad in their size. Fairly tall and also muscular, they kinda look cute but too much steam and further to that, the room was not brightly lit. I began to eye them and I noticed the guys were also eyeing me, and their movement indicated that they were trying to yank off their towel off and so to entice them, I did that same movement too and before anyone can say "eureka", these two also did the same. The minute they did that, what emerged out was two pairs of very nice men tool meaning, nice shape, nice length and nice width. It was so sexually arousing to see them just do it in front of me. Basically, the guy on his left was stroking the other guy's cock and the other one was also reciprocating the same way. My jaw nearly dropped and before you knew it, my little one became a sprouting mushroom. I made my way nearer to them and these two did not budge from their area and began to perform (so to speak) as if I was the only audience worth their salt to show off their talents. It was very hot (pardon the pun) but looking at them stroking and playing, and teasing each other, it was all too much for me, for before you knew it, I was also stroking my own. As they say, for every action there will be an reaction!

two naughty guys in a sauna, my lucky day?
But, our little fun ended there as before one of them could cum, someone was approaching and that mischievous little play act had to stop. The guy on his left moved out quickly and followed by the other guy, and from that very hot action, it became a no-show. I was thinking to myself, what the fuck? It was already close to climaxing why not allow me this chance to see the whole action? Reluctantly, I walked out of the steam room and entered into one of the shower stall and who do I see before me? It was the other guy and he had his curtain half opened just nice for me to observe him. I know he was really horny as he was jerking off vigorously and then when he saw me, he opened more for me to watch him. Like all good shows, there must be some acting too, so I too acted in accordance to his wishes and it was damn hot!! What's more to say? I'm sure you would have all guessed the ending, so let's just leave it that way.

it ended nicely though...
Monday, June 2, 2008

Need to work out after all that stuffing...

What a way to end the weekend...
Sunday, June 1, 2008

ahhh, its so nice to be back....
So, all my faithful readers out there, I'm back....and hopefully do not dissapear again!
Monday, January 21, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Well, having said that, of course, when such an interaction is established, the good and bad will be lumped in together. I do not deny that I had much fun chatting with these unscrupulous characters as they usually give me insights of how our PLU lives revolve around. Amongst my colorful chats, there are some that involves the various fetishes.
One such fetish is the saga of the “used underwear”. Yes, there are people who are actually indulging in such activities and I guess it completely norm for them. But, to the uninitiated like me who conforms to the majority of conservatives out there, such fetishes are a bit too harsh to accept. Nevertheless, to accept all kinds of diversity in our lives, we need to be tolerant and that is how I was approach by these people.
The chat began very innocently asking how I was and why was I hanging around in the chat room. We sort of talked a bit and then the proceeded to what our interests were. I began to tell him about mine and when it was his turn, I was completely stunned, for what he indulged into was something I did not thought of. He informed me that he was into underwear and more specifically, used ones!
“Err, you mean you like those used underwear?” I enquired enthusiastically.
“Yes, I like them but to be more specific, cum filled ones” he replied.
“Huh? Cum filled ones? How ah?” I again asked innocently.
“Well, all the guy needs to do is just jerk off into it and then send it to me”.
“Hmm, I do not think that’s my cup of tea” with eyes rolling.
“I know it’s not easy for others to accept it but it’s a fetish for me, and I have loved it ever since I tried it” he added.
“How did this happen?” I asked.
“A good friend of mine was sniffing it one day, and I happen to catch him doing it. I thought it was crazy to do such a thing but when he challenged me to try it, I took it and then suddenly, I liked the smell” he replied.
“You mean you like the smell? How is it that makes you like it? I posed.
“Not sure but the smell actually triggers me and it makes me high, and I get an instant gratification upon smelling it and playing with my dick at the same time. I will imagine the guy doing it while I’m masturbating” he told me in detail.
“Well, good for you, I guess like they say, one man’s meat is another’s poison” I laughed.
“So, would you like to shoot your cum into your underwear and let me have it?”
“My underwear and my cum?” I repeated.
“Yes, I want yours and you can drop it at this locker at the Kelana Jaya Swimming complex” he added.

That guy actually told me the procedure of how to drop off the underwear into this specific locker and he will collect it later. I was like astonished by his request and what more, his insistence on me to give him my undies. But, I did not do it as I was too timid at that time and then again, I thought to myself, should I actually give him my good underwear or the ones, which is already loose, or have holes in them? And, should it be branded or some normal brands we have out there? This was all confusing, a part of me wanted to do it but the other part, well, I did not want to part with my precious undies.
wanna buy my undies...?
Later on, I learnt that there were actually guys who would buy these undies and would pay a hefty sum for it too, so perhaps, I can get some buyers out there? Any takers eh?