Monday, March 26, 2007


"You must see these" Dorothy Juice buzzed me on MSN one hot afternoon.

Waking up to my blurriness, I replied "What is it?"

"These, these, aren't they just divine? Look they are so cute, and all in a pair...look at the color scheme, I seem to have all of them"

I looked at the changing of the picture in the msn chat and it was pairs of slippers. Yup, all neatly placed for a photo shoot. They kinda look like these...

Not having any love for them, I just stared blankly at them and nodded, ok, they look cute and I told Dorothy, yes, very nice combination of colors too.

"Yes, I want to get the pink ones too. They are selling so cheap in JJ Market (short for Jatujak in the infamous city of Angels) and you must go during the evenings, as they have all these stores selling them" machine gunned Dorothy Juice to me, as if she had not been on a verbal diarrhea for a long time now.

I nodded in complete agreement, yes, I may not share the passion for slippers or flip flops as they are commonly known, I agreed that the saying, 'ONE LADIES MEAT IS ANOTHER'S CALORIE KILLER'.

As we went on talking about other things, we came to a subject of another friend of ours whom we shall call DA QWEEN. Accordingly, DA QWEEN can afford to get branded shades like this one...

but when it comes to other stuff, DA QWEEN will be very stingy. Well, I guess its like this, to each their own.

Having said that, we mentioned something about ourselves Dorothy Juice is so crazy about slippers, I decided to christened DJ as "SLIPPER WHORE"; whilst our dear friend DA QWEEN " SHADES WHORE" and me, well you guessed it, "BLOG WHORE"!!

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